La lettre de la Preuve


ISSN 1292-8763

Automne 2005

Un ESPACE NOUVEAU est à disposition dans la bibliographie pour recueillir les dernières THESES sur la preuve

A NEW SPACE is available on the bibliography to gather the last PHD THESIS about proof
Un NUEVO ESPACIO esta listo en la bibliografia para recoger las ultimas TESIS sobre la prevua
  Coppe S., Dorier J.-L., Moreau V. (2005) Différents types de dessin dans les activités d'argumentation en classe de 5ème. Petit X 68, 8-37
  Luengo V. (2005) Some didactical and epistemological considerations in the design of educational software: the Cabri-Euclide example. International Journal of Computers for mathematical learning. 10 (1) 1-29
Stylianides G. J., Stylianides A. J. (2005) Validation of solutions of construction problems in dynamic geometry environments. International Journal of Computers for mathematical learning. 10 (1) 31-47
  Borwein J. M. (2005) The experimental mathematician: the pleasure of discovery and the role of proof. International Journal of Computers for mathematical learning. 10 (2) 75-108
  Bagni G. T. (2005) Quantificatori esistenziali: simboli logici e linguaggio nella practica didattica. L'educazione matematica Anno XXVI Seris VIII Volume 1 (2) 8-26
  Lannin J. K. (2005) Generalization and Justification: The Challenge of Introducing Algebraic Reasoning Through Pattern Activities. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 7 (3) 231-258
The following references are taken from :
H.L. Chick & J.L. Vincent (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th conference of the International group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education Melbourne, Australia, July 10-15, 2005.
  Lin, Fou-Lai Modeling students’ learning on mathematical Proof and refutation, vol.1, pp. 3-18.
Stylianides, Andreas J., Stylianides, Gabriel J. & Philippou, George N. Prospective teachers’understanding of proof: What if the truth set of an open sentence is Broader than that covered by the proof?, vol. 4, pp 241-248
  Vincent Jill, Chick Helen Barry McCrae Argumentation profile charts as tools for analysing students’ argumentations, vol. 4, 281-288
  Yuli Tatag, Siswono Eko Student thinking strategies in reconstructing theorems, vol. 4, 193-200
  Lee, Kyung Hwa Mathematically gifted students' geometrical reasoning and informal proof, vol. 3, 241-248
  Rongjin Huang Verification or proof: justification of Pythagoras’ theorem in chinese mathematics classrooms, vol. 3, 161-168
  Herbst P. G. (2004). Interactions with diagrams and the making of reasoned conjectures in geometry, Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik 36, 129-139
Stylianides, G.J., & Silver, E.A. (2004). Reasoning and proving in school mathematics curricula: An analytic framework for investigating the opportunities offered to students. In D.E. McDougall & J. A.Ross (Eds.), Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education Vol. 2, pp. 611-619). Toronto, Canada: OISE/UT.
  Battista, M. T.; Clements, D. H. (1995): Connecting Research to Teaching: Geometry and Proof Mathematics Teacher, vol. 88 n1 p. 48-54
  Haimo, Deborah Teppe (1993): Experimentation and Conjecture Are Not Enough American Mathematical Monthly, vol. 102 n2 p. 102-12
  Thurston, William P. (1995): On Proof and Progress in Mathematics For the Learning of Mathematics, vol. 15 n1 p. 29-37
  Szymanski, Witold A.(1994): Geometric Computerized Proofs = Drawing Package + Symbolic Computation Software Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, vol. 13 n4 p. 433-44
  Markel, William D. (1994): The Role of Proof in Mathematics Education School Science and Mathematics, vol. 94 n6 p. 291-95
  Kaiser, Mark J. (1993): Demonstrating Proof by Contrapositive and Contradiction through Physical Analogs School Science and Mathematics, vol. 93 n7 p. 369-72

Argumentation and proof

Topic Group 4 to the CERME 4 Conference

Mariotti M. A., Knipping C.,
Küchemann D., Nordstrom K.

During CERME 4Conference the topics proposed in the Working Group 4 "Argumentation and Proof", were the following:
1) Theme 1: The meaning of proof in mathematics education
2) Theme 2: Comparing the teaching of proof at school
3) Theme 3: Problems and Conjecturing


The full-text versions of these papers are given below (PDF):

Papers concerning theme 1
David A Reid: The meaning of proof in mathematics education
Hans Niels Jahnke: A genetic approach to proof
Viviane Durand-Guerrier: Natural deduction in Predicate Calculus A tool for analysing proof in a didactic perspective
Papers concerning theme 2
Richard Cabassut: Argumentation and proof in examples taken from French and German textbooks
Kirsti Nordström & Clas Löfwall: Proof in Swedish upper secondary school mathematics textbooks - the issue of transparency
Dietmar Küchemann & Celia Hoyles: Pupils’ awareness of structure on two number/algebra questions
Papers concerning theme 3
Lourdes Figueiras & Jordi Deulofeu: Visualising and Conjecturing Solutions for Heron’s Problem
Oleksiy Yevdokimov: About a constructivist approach for stimulating students’ thinking to produce conjectures and their proving in active learning of geometry
Consuelo Cañadas Santiago & Encarnación Castro Martínez: Inductive reasoning in the justification of the result of adding two even numbers

Proof in Elementary Geometry

Geoff G.
This is a book edited by Derby: The Association of Teachers of Mathematics.
In this book, the author claims that 'seeing is believing' and using powerful images to provide convincing reasons for the truth of many theorems in geometry. Students are more concerned with memorising proof rather than being convinced by them. Using a 'tracing' on top of a 'diagram' we can often show clearly the truth of assertion. In other words: we can prove it.
Annonces de soutenance de thèse

Les effets didactiques des différences de fonctionnement de la négation dans la langue arabe, la langue française et le langage mathématique


7 novembre 2005
Université Claude Bernard - Lyon 1

La démarche de découverte expérimentalement médiée par Cabri-Géomètre en mathématiques: un essai de formalisation à partir de l'analyse de démarches de résolutions de problèmes de boîtes-noires

Jacques DAHAN

4 novembre 2005
Université Joseph-Fourier, Grenoble 1

Dans ce travail de recherche, nous nous intéressons à l'étude de la notion de négation et notamment celle des énoncés renfermant une quantification universelle dans un contexte scolaire tunisien dans lequel l'enseignement des mathématiques se fait d'abord en arabe ensuite en français.

Pour en savoir plus ...

Notre travail est centré sur la démarche de découverte reposant sur des expérimentations réalisées avec Cabri-Géomètre. L'analyse de la résolution d'une boîte noire particulière permet d'affiner notre modèle a priori de la démarche de découverte en y précisant le rôle de la figure (Duval), les niveaux de géométrie (praxéologies G1 et G2 de Parzysz) et leurs prolongements que nous développons (G1 et G2 informatiques), les cadres d'investigations (Millar) et la place de la preuve expérimentale (Johsua).

Pour en savoir plus ...



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Laboratoire Leibniz

Math Forum Internet News

Universita di Siena
Editeur : Maria-Alessandra Mariotti
English Editor :
Virginia Warfield, Editor en Castellano : Philippe Richard

Redattore : Bettina Pedemonte

Advisory Board : Nicolas Balacheff, Paolo Boero, Daniel Chazan, Raymond Duval, Gila Hanna, Guershon Harel, Patricio Herbst, Celia Hoyles, Erica Melis,
Michael Otte
, Yasuhiro Sekiguchi, Michael de Villiers

La lettre de la Preuve


ISSN 1292-8763