La lettre de la Preuve


ISSN 1292-8763

Automne 2001



Casselman B. (2001) Images et preuves. Gazette des mathématiciens 88, 35-52.

Corredor O. L. L., Calderón D. I. (2001) Validación y argumentación de lo matemático en el aula. Revista Latinoamericana de investigación en matemática educativa 4(1) 5-21.

Knipping C. (2001) Towards a comparative analysis of proof teaching. In: van den Heuvel-Panhuizen M. (ed.) Proceedings of the 25th conference of the international group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Utrecht.

Libbrecht P., Melis E., Ullrich C. (2001) Generating Personalized Documents Using a Presentation Planner. In: ED-MEDIA 2001, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications.

Libbrecht P., Melis E., Ullrich C. (2001) Activemath , a Web-Based Learning Environment. In: IEEE Learning Technology Newsletter

Libbrecht P., Melis E., Pollet M., Ullrich C. (2001) Interactive Exercises in the \activemath Learning Environment. In: ISSAC-2001 Workshop on Internet Accessible Mathematical Computation.

Melis E., Buedenbender J., Andres E., Frischauf A., Goguadse G., Libbrecht P., Pollet M., Ullrich C. (2001) The Activemath Learning Environment. Artificial Intelligence and Education 12(4)

Melis E., Glasmacher Ch., Ullrich C., Gerjets P. (2001) Automated Proof Planning for Instructional Design. Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.

Najoua H. A. (2001) Différents types d'argumentations mobilisés par des élèves tunisiens en début d'apprentissage de la démonstration. In : Dorier J. L. (ed.) Actes de la XI° école d'été de Didactique des Mathématiques. (à paraître)

Pedemonte B. (2001) Some cognitive aspects of the relatioship between argumentation and proof in mathematics. In: van den Heuvel-Panhuizen M. (ed.) Proceedings of the 25th conference of the international group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Utrecht.

Van Schalkwijk L., Bergen T., Van Roou A. (2001) Learning to prove by investigation: A promising approach in Dutch secondary education. Educational Studies in Mathematics 43(3) 293-311.


Arsac G., Durand-Guerrier V. (2000) Logique et raisonnement mathématique. variabilité des exigences de rigueur dans les démonstrations mettant en jeu des énoncés existenciels. In : Assude T., Grugeon B. (eds.) Actes du séminaire national de didactique des mathématiques (pp.55-83). Paris : équipe DIDEREM, Université de Paris VII.

Boero P. (2000) Entrer dans la culture des théorèmes à 12-14 ans : un défi pour la didactique des mathématiques. In : Assude T., Grugeon B. (eds.) Actes du séminaire national de didactique des mathématiques (pp.41-54). Paris : équipe DIDEREM, Université de Paris VII.

Boero P., Garuti R. (2000) Aspetti logico-linguistici e denamiche mentali. In : Drouhard J. P., Maurel M. (eds) Actes du séminaire SFIDA-9 à SFIDA-12 (Vol. 3, 1997-99, pp.XII/3-XII/6). Nice : IREM de Nice.

Casselman B. (2000) Pictures and Proofs. Notices of the American Mathematical Society 47(10)

Web Archives

de Villiers on-line publications

Are you sure?
 Learning about Proof

Edited by Doug French and Charlie Stripp

The new readers may enjoy visiting the Michael de Villier on-live research reports archive

 (1990) The role and function of proof in  mathematics. Pythagoras 24, 17-24.

 El papel y la function de la demostracion en  matematicas. (Spanish translation of above article from Epsilon, No. 24, 1993, pp. 15-30)

 Papel e funcoes da demostracao no trabalho  com sketchpad. (Portuguese translation of shorter, adapted version of '90 Proof) Educacao e Matematica 62, 31-36.

 From the publisher presentation : "This book has been written to discuss some of the  issues related to learning about proof and to provide a source of ideas for teachers to use in the classroom. The level of the material is for the most part appropriate to students in the final three or four years of secondary education and includes ideas of varying levels of difficulty. The book has been designed to be dipped into: individual chapters and sections within chapters are largely independent of each other. Questions and exercises are provided throughout, with detailed commentaries in the final section of the book. In addition to providing ideas for teachers the book also provides a valuable resource to which abler students can refer, both to extend their understanding and appreciation of particular topics and to broaden their mathematical education. Permission is given by the Mathematical Association for purchasers to photocopy relevant sections of the book for use in their institutions."

Automatisation du raisonnement
Apprentissage de la preuve

Jean Pierre Spagnol
Web Archives

PUPA taxonomy of students' proof shemes
News from an NSF project

Guershon Harel

Le 12 octobre 2001, Jean-Pierre Spagnol a soutenu à l'université de Paris V une thèse d'informatique ayant pour objet l'"Automatisation du raisonnement et de la rédaction de preuves en géométrie de l'enseignement secondaire"
  L'objectif de cette recherche est la conception d‚un système à base de connaissances pouvant résoudre de façon automatique des exercices de géométrie niveau collège ou lycée. Le système est ensuite capable de produire une solution rédigée en français adaptée au niveau de la classe considérée. Le but de est d'intégrer ce système à un Environnement Informatique d'Apprentissage Humain pour permettre à un élève de développer ses capacités de raisonnement, de conjecture et de rédaction de preuve par une interaction avec le système.

 PUPA is an NSF-funded research project2 that  studied the  development of students' proof understanding, production, and appreciation. PUPA's research subjects were mathematics majors, including preservice secondary mathematics teachers, and engineering majors. Two of the main products produced by PUPA are:

(a) An extensive taxonomy of students' existing proof schemes.
(b) A system of pedagogical principles, called DNR--an acronym for the three leading

principles in the system--duality, necessity, and repeated-reasoning--aimed at enhancing students' conception of mathematics in general and that of proof in particular.

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Editeur : Maria-Alessandra Mariotti
English Editor :
Virginia Warfield, Editor en Castellano : Patricio Herbst

Redattore : Bettina Pedemonte

Advisory Board : Nicolas Balacheff, Paolo Boero, Daniel Chazan, Raymond Duval, Gila Hanna, Guershon Harel, Celia Hoyles, Erica Melis, Michael Otte,
Yasuhiro Sekiguchi, Michael de Villiers

La lettre de la Preuve


ISSN 1292-8763