La lettre de la Preuve


ISSN 1292-8763

Eté 2002



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  Herbst G. P. (2002) Engaging Students in Proving : A Double Bind on the Teacher, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 33 (3), pp. 176-203.
  Knuth E. (2002) Teachers' Conceptions of Proof in the Context of Secondary School Mathematics Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 5 (1) pp. 61-88
  Heinze A., Yi Kwak J. (2002) Informal Prerequisites for Informal Proofs, Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik 34 (1) pp. 17-28
  Reiss K., Renkl A.(2002) Learning to Prove: The Idea of Heuristic Examples Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik 34 (1) pp. 29-35
  Robotti E. (2002) Le rôle médiateur de la verbalisation entre les aspects figuraux et théoriques dans les processus de démonstration d'un problème en géométrie plane Thèse de l'Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble I.

Pedemonte B. (2002) Etude didactique et cognitive des rapports de l'argumentation et de la démonstration dans l'apprentissage des mathématiques, Thèse de l'Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble I.



Recio A. M., Godino J. D. (2001) Institutional and personal meanings of mathematical proof, Educational Studies in Mathematics 48 (1), pp. 83-99

Watson J. M., Moritz J. B. (2001), Development of reasoning associated with pictographs: Representing, interpreting, and predicting, Educational Studies in Mathematics 48 (1) pp. 47-81

Weber K. (2001) Student difficulty in constructing proofs: The need for strategic knowledge, Educational Studies in Mathematics 48 (1), pp. 101-119

Benbachir A, Zaki M. (2001), Production d'exemples et de contre-exemples en analyse: étude de cas en première d'université Educational Studies in Mathematics 47 (3) pp. 273-295


Watson J. M. (2001) Longitudinal Development of Inferential Reasoning by School Students, Educational Studies in Mathematics 47 (3)pp. 337-372


Argumentation and proof

Group 4 to the CERME 3 conference

Coordinator : Rudolf vom Hofe
Christine Knipping
Maria Alessandra Mariotti

Bettina Pedemonte

The Third Conference of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 3) takes place at Bellaria , Italy, from February 28th to March 3rd, 2003. The organisers for Working Group 4 invite research-based papers on argumentation and proof, including epistemological and historical studies, learning issues and classroom situations.
The reactions about the theme of this group can be discussed in the Forum. Subscribe to Preuvinfo to access a Forum.


Etude didactique et cognitive des rapports de l'argumentation et de la démonstration

Bettina Pedemonte


What is proof?

David A. Reid

Cette thèse, soutenue le 19 juin, présente une analyse cognitive sur les rapports entre argumentation et démonstration en mathématiques. Les théories linguistiques contemporaines permettent d'avancer l'hypothèse que la démonstration est une argumentation particulière. Le modèle de Toulmin est utilisé comme outil méthodologique pour leur comparaison. Cette comparaison est faite selon deux points de vue : la structure, et le système de référence. D'une part, une analyse structurelle de l'argumentation et de la démonstration permet de rendre compte de certaines continuités ou écarts nécessaires pour passer d'une argumentation à une démonstration (d'une argumentation abductive à une démonstration déductive, d'une argumentation inductive à une démonstration par récurrence, etc.). D'autre part, il est possible, au moyen de ce modèle, de prendre en compte les énoncés mobilisés par les élèves pendant l'argumentation pour les comparer avec les théorèmes utilisés pendant la démonstration. La continuité ou l'écart du système de référence, conception ou théorie, s'appuie sur cette comparaison. Le dispositif expérimental montre comment analyser les productions des élèves avec le modèle de Toulmin, afin d'éclairer et de comprendre les rapports cognitifs entre argumentation et démonstration.

La thèse sera bientôt disponible en CD-Rom


It is a paper about proof. In the following the abstract of the author.

This paper reports on the diversity of meanings attached to the words "proof" and "proving" by upper elementary school students and makes connections with similar usages by mathematicians and mathematics educators. Five dimensions of meaning are used to organise the discussion: need, ways of reasoning, social target, form, role in a community. Three needs are identified in the students use of the words "proof" and "proving": verifying, explaining why and explaining how. Two ways of reasoning are identified: inductive and deductive. Social targets include oneself, others, and combinations of the two. Formal contexts and characteristics mentioned by the students include geometry, particular words ("because", "therefore") and use of symbols. Roles include the traditional view of proofs assuring certainty and a more Lakatosian view of proofs as provisional. This diversity in usages by students and by mathematicians and mathematics educators is concluded to be a good thing, but not without pitfalls.




Proofs in Dynamic Environments

Mike De Villiers


Reasoning, proof, and proving in mathematics education

ICME-10 Survey Teams


  It is a website which deals mainly with mathematics and mathematics education aiming at secondary and primary school mathematics teaching and learning, although some aspects are relevant to undergraduate mathematics. In this website we can find some interesting considerations about proofs in dynamic environments. Some De Villiers' papers and references about proof are disposal.


 The International Conference in Mathematics Education (ICME-10) will take place in july 4-11, 2004, in Copenhagen. As an innovative features of ICME-10 it has been decided to appoint a number of Survey Teams. Each team will work until the congress surveying the state-of-the-art with respect to a certain theme or issue. One of this Survey Teams is about reasoning, proof and proving in mathematics education

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Laboratoire Leibniz

Math Forum Internet News

Universita di Pisa

Editeur : Maria-Alessandra Mariotti
English Editor :
Virginia Warfield, Editor en Castellano : Patricio Herbst

Redattore : Bettina Pedemonte

Advisory Board : Nicolas Balacheff, Paolo Boero, Daniel Chazan, Raymond Duval, Gila Hanna, Guershon Harel, Celia Hoyles, Erica Melis, Michael Otte,
Yasuhiro Sekiguchi, Michael de Villiers

La lettre de la Preuve


ISSN 1292-8763