Printemps 2018

Publications 2018

Dimmel, JK., Herbst, PG. (2018) What Details Do Teachers Expect From Student Proofs? A Study of Proof Checking in Geometry Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 49/(3), 261-291

Komatsu K. Jones K. (Open Access) Task Design Principles for Heuristic Refutation in Dynamic Geometry Environments International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 1-24

Shinno, Y, Miyakawa, T., Iwasaki, H., Kunimune, S., Mizoguchi, T., Ishii, T., Abe, Y. (2018) Challenges in curriculum development for mathematical proof in secondary school: cultural dimensions to be considered For the learning of mathematics, 38/(1), 26-30

Sabena C. (Open Access) Exploring the Contribution of Gestures to Mathematical Argumentation Processes from a Semiotic Perspective In G. Kaiser, H. Forgasz, M. Graven, A. Kuzniak, E. Simmt, B. Xu, Invited Lectures from the 13th International Congress on Mathematical education, (pp. 541-559)

Hunte, A. (2018) Opportunities for reasoning and proving in Geometry in secondary school textbooks from Trinidad and Tobago In P. Herbst, U.H. Cheah, P. Richard, K. Jones (Eds), International Perspectives on the teaching and learning of Geometry in Secondary Schools. Springer, (pp. 39-58)

Maknun, C. L., Rosjanuardi, R., Ikhwanudin T. (2018) Student’s mathematical argumentation in Trigonometry In Proceedings of INTCESS2018 – 5th International Conference of Education and Social Science, (pp. 689-696)

Publications 2017

Miyakawa, T. (2017) Comparative analysis on the nature of proof to be taught in geometry: The cases of French and Japanese lower secondary schools Educational Studies in Mathematics, 94(1), 37-54

Caldato, J. Utsumi, M.C. Nasser, L. (2017) Argumentação e demonstração em matemática: a visão de alunos e professors Revista Triângulo, 10/(2)

Ostos, L., M, Alonso, A. C.. Lozano, L. T. (2017) El desarrollo de argumentos matemáticos sobre la integral impropia en estudiantes universitarios Pedagogía Universitaria, 23/(3), 52-71

Staples, M., Newton, J., Kosko, K., Conner, A., Cirillo, M., Bieda, K., Yopp, D., Zaslavsky, O., Hummer, J., Strachota, S., Singh, R., An, T., Going, T., and Zhuang, Y. (2017) Using Artifacts to Explore Conceptions and Consequences of Argumentation, Justification, and Proof.  Based on work of the PME-NA 2016 Working Group Conceptions and Consequences of What We Call Argumentation, Justification and Proof.

Justifickasi dalam pembelajaran matematika

Sarumaha, Yenny Anggreini
Seminar Nasional Etnomatnesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia,
December 9, 2017

Justification is a core in leaning mathematics. Justification builds up students’ reasoning with a better way. It happens because in justifying, students are not only asked to explain their answer from solving mathematics problems, moreover, students are asked to explain whay those solution can be used and their answer is right.

Albeit the purpose of justification in mathematics community has been studied, only little information can be gained about how its role in learning mathematics.

This writing is an academic writing that being done by the writer based on the results of some research which implementing justification in learning process. The purposes of this writing divided into three parts, namely to know the role of justification in learning mathematics, to know the way that can be used by the teacher to support students to justify, and to know the way that can be used by the teacher in assess justification by the students.


Thesis: O lugar da argumentação na Educação para a Cidadania no contexto da Educação Pré-Escolar e do 1. º Ciclo do Ensino Básic

Andrade MJS – University of Azores

Our report is entitled The place of argumentation in Education for Citizenship in the context of Pre-primary Education and the 1st Cycle of Basic Education and aims to: assess the level of moral and logical-mathematical development of children, understand The role of logical-mathematical reasoning in the development of conscious, autonomous and active citizens, to promote, in the context of the classroom, the development of autonomous children through the development of logical-mathematical reasoning, as well as to implement adequate strategies that promote development Logical-mathematical and moral of children. The report is made up of two large parts that articulate and dialogue with each other.

The first part, which corresponds to the theoretical framework of the theme, explores the evolution of the concept of education, discusses and reflects on the need to educate for citizenship, as well as analyzing the importance of developing the capacity of In the society of the 21st century, in view of the formation of the active and responsible citizen of this millennium.

In the second part, dedicated to the reflexive analysis of our educational praxis and conjuncture in which it occurred, the contexts in which the stages took place were presented, the data of the study carried out to the educators / teachers of our cooperating schools about their conceptions about education For citizenship and for argumentation; and an analytical description of the activities implemented in the traineeships is carried out under the theme of this report.

Finally, there is a global reflection on the place of argumentation in citizenship education, in which it is recognized the importance of promoting, in an integrated way, the development of argumentative reasoning for the construction of an autonomous moral conscience of the children / students, Which enhances their proactivity as citizens, it is concluded that this educational process is intentional and promoted through strategies of reconstructive exploration.


Concepções de professores em formação inicial sobre argumentação e provas no Ensino de Matemática

João Carlos Caldato Correia
XXI EBRAPEM, Encontro Brasilero De Estudiantes De Pos Graduaçao Em Educaçao matemática
2-4 novembro 2017 - Pelotas, RS

O objetivo geral dessa pesquisa é investigar as concepções de alunos ingressantes e concluintes no curso de Licenciatura em Matemática, a respeito de argumentação e provas no Ensino de Matemática, a partir da aplicação de questionários e da realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas, divididas em três etapas.

Esse procedimento metodológico, que articula questionários e entrevistas, é descrito na literatura como triangulação do método (ARAÚJO; BORBA, 2004, p. 35). Até o momento, apenas a primeira etapa foi concluída, que consiste na aplicação de um questionário a licenciandos ingressantes. Ao todo, 102 estudantes de três instituições públicas de Ensino Superior participaram da coleta de dados.

As respostas aos questionários serão analisadas com base nos referenciais teóricos que sustentam esta pesquisa, que são a tipologia de provas de Balacheff (1988) e os esquemas de provas de Harel e Sowder (1998). Após a realização e análise da segunda e terceira etapa da pesquisa, que consistem em avaliar as concepções de licenciandos no final do curso de graduação, os dados serão comparados, visando investigar se ao longo do curso de licenciatura há um progresso significativo nas concepções dos futuros professores sobre os processos de argumentação e provas.


Thesis: Argumentative activities, A pedagogical tool to help Grade 5 students classify geometric shapes by their properties

Lyn T N – University of Melbourne

Some international surveys have reported that although Taiwanese primary students were ranked above nearly all other countries in mathematics achievement, their competences of geometry and reasoning performed were relatively poor. Geometric shapes have complex relationships with their properties, and primary students tend to use their intuition and what they see to discuss these relationships. This leads students to make mistakes easily. For this reason, this research developed an argumentative activity to help Taiwanese primary students improve their geometric thinking and reasoning.

The participants in this research were 168 grade 5 students in Taiwan, and these students were divided into three groups; two experimental groups (EXP_1 and EXP_2) and one control group. All students did a geometric argumentation test (GAT) twice as the pre- and post-test. The control group only did these two tests. [...]

This research found several points. There were two cognitive competences in the GAT, which were designated “naming geometric shapes” and “geometric thinking”. Using the comparison strategy with the why- and how-questions could monitor students’ thinking and reasoning, and manipulating or measuring geometric shapes was also important for learning geometric shapes. The comparison strategy showed its effect directly in students’ behavior, but there was no significant effect on the GAT results. The two teaching strategies that were implements could be used in the classroom settings for primary teachers in Taiwan. The research also provides some suggestions for primary teachers, and mathematics education researchers.


Editorial Board

Editors-in-chief – Bettina Pedemonte, Maria-Alessandra Mariotti
Associate Editors – Orly Buchbinder, Kirsti Hemmi, Mara Martinez
Redactor – Bettina Pedemonte
Scientific Board – Nicolas Balacheff, Paolo Boero, Daniel Chazan, Raymond Duval, Gila Hanna, Guershon Harel, Patricio Herbst, Celia Hoyles, Erica Melis, Michael Otte, Philippe Richard, Yasuhiro Sekiguchi, Michael de Villiers, Virginia Warfield