La lettre de la Preuve


ISSN 1292-8763

Mai/Juin 2000

The rebirth of proof
in school mathematics in the United States ?


Eric Knuth
University of Wisconsin, USA


In the not too distant past, proof was expected to play a significant role in the mathematics education of all students in the United States. In fact, the hallmark of the new math curriculum of the late fifties and early sixties was an emphasis on "rigor in the presentation of mathematical ideas and on rigorous proof in particular" (Hanna, 1983, p. 1). The curriculum received, however, its share of criticism regarding the proliferation of proofs in the curriculum and their implementation in teachers' instructional practices. In large part as a response to this criticism, and in consideration of the effect the curriculum had on students' (as well as teachers') conceptions of proof (not to mention of mathematics), the 1989 Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics [NCTM]) de-emphasized proof in school mathematics, choosing instead to emphasize reasoning (J. Kilpatrick, personal communication, March, 1999). As a consequence, students have had limited encounters with proof in school mathematics and, not surprisingly, have found the study of proof difficult (e.g., Chazan, 1993; Sowder & Harel, 1998; Usiskin, 1987).
   This absence of proof, however, did not go unnoticed and, in fact, has been a target of criticism as well. Wu (1996) argued that the scarcity of proof outside of geometry is a glaring defect in the present-day mathematics education in high school, namely, the fact that outside geometry there are essentially no proofs. Even as anomalies in education go, this is certainly more anomalous than others inasmuch as it presents a totally falsified picture of mathematics itself (p. 228).
   Similarly, Schoenfeld (1994) suggested, "Proof is not a thing separable from mathematics as it appears to be in our curricula; it is an essential component of doing, communicating, and recording mathematics" (p. 76). Reflecting an awareness of such criticism, as well as embracing the central role of proof in mathematics, recent reform efforts in the United States are calling for substantial changes in both school mathematics curricula and teachers' instructional practices with respect to proof.
   In contrast to the status of proof in the previous national standards document (i.e., NCTM, 1989), its position has been significantly elevated in the most recent national standards document (NCTM, 1998)&emdash;a document intended to guide the revision of school mathematics in the United States into the next millennium. Not only has proof been upgraded to an actual standard in this latest document, Mathematical Reasoning and Proof, but it has also received a much more prominent role throughout the entire school mathematics curriculum and is expected to be a part of all students' school mathematics experiences. In particular, the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (NCTM, 1998) recommends that in grades pre-K to 12:

Mathematics instructional programs should focus on learning to reason and construct proofs as part of understanding mathematics so that all students --
   - recognize reasoning and proof as essential and powerful parts of mathematics;
   - make and investigate mathematical conjectures;
   - develop and evaluate mathematical arguments and proofs; [and]
   - select and use various types of reasoning and methods of proof as appropriate (p. 80).

It is certainly clear from reviewing these recommendations that proof is expected to again play a significant role in school mathematics in the United States. Yet an important question&emdash;one that has serious implications for the successful enactment of proof in school mathematics&emdash;remains: Are teachers prepared to enact these recommendations in their instructional practices?
   Approaches designed to enhance the role of proof in the classroom, and accordingly students' conceptions of proof, require a tremendous amount of a teacher (Chazan, 1990). Yet, mathematics teacher education has, traditionally, not adequately prepared teachers to successfully enact the lofty expectations set forth in reform documents (Ross, 1998). This inadequate preparation is particularly troublesome with respect to proof considering the often limited conceptions of proof held by many prospective teachers (e.g., Goetting, 1995; Harel & Sowder, 1998; Jones, 1997; Martin & Harel, 1989; Simon & Blume, 1996). Further, research has typically not examined teachers' conceptions of proof as individuals who are teachers of school mathematics; rather, research has primarily focused on teachers' conceptions of proof as individuals who are knowledgeable about mathematics.
   In this article, I briefly discuss the results of a study which was designed both to address the aforementioned question and to identify areas of need for preparing teachers to successfully enact the recommendations of reform with respect to proof (see Knuth, 1999, 2000a, 2000b, for greater detail). In particular, I discuss the conceptions of proof held by 18 experienced secondary school mathematics teachers, focusing specifically on their conceptions of proof as individuals who are teachers of school mathematics.

The Role of Proof in Secondary School Mathematics

Teachers suggested several roles for proof in secondary school mathematics, two of which serve important educational functions and, in addition, speak toward aspects of reform. First, teachers suggested that proof plays a role in answering why a statement is true. In this case, rather than explain why a statement is true, proof serves to show how a statement came to be true. For example, teachers viewed a derivation of the quadratic formula as an illustrative example of this role of proof&emdash;one could follow the progression of steps in the derivation to understand how the general formula was derived (i.e., "why" it was true). As one teacher commented, "It gives a way for kids to understand why things are the way they are….Instead of just accepting [formulas] at face value, proofs give [students] a way of justifying the formulas."
   Second, and integrally related to the first, teachers mentioned the role of proof in fostering student autonomy. In order for students to be autonomous in mathematics classrooms, they must be able to create their own knowledge through validating their own as well as their classmates' knowledge claims. One teacher suggested that proof "allows your students to be independent thinkers, instead of just robots who are told this is the relationship, this is what works....Students don't have to rely on a teacher or a book to give them information." Again, this role is important pedagogically as it enables students to become producers of knowledge rather than consumers of other's knowledge. Further, this role of proof parallels one of the major mathematical goals identified in the latest Standards document: "A major goal of school mathematics instructional programs should be to create autonomous learners" (NCTM, 1998, p. 35).
   Noticeably missing from among the roles teachers suggested&emdash;and a role of proof many mathematicians view as important (Hanna, 1983, 1990; Hersh, 1993)&emdash;was a recognition of proof serving an explanatory capacity, that is, proof as a means of promoting understanding of the underlying mathematics. In some respects, it is not surprising that this role was not mentioned by any of the teachers; for many teachers, the focus of their previous experiences with proof as students themselves was primarily on the deductive mechanism or on the end result rather than on the underlying mathematical relationships illuminated by a proof (e.g., Chazan, 1993; Goetting, 1995; Harel & Sowder, 1998). Nevertheless, of all the roles of proof, its role in promoting understanding is, perhaps, the most significant from an educational perspective. As Hersh (1993) suggested, "at the high-school or undergraduate level, its primary role is explaining" (p. 398). Ross (1998) went as far as to suggest that "the emphasis on proof [in school mathematics] should be more on its educational value than on formal correctness. Time need not be wasted on the technical details of proofs, or even entire proofs, that do not lead to understanding or insight" (p. 3).

Proof for All?

In contrast to the central role of proof in the discipline of mathematics, the majority of teachers did not consider proof to play a central role in secondary school mathematics, questioning, in fact, its appropriateness for all students. As one teacher commented: "[Proof is] for kids who are going to be going into mathematics and probably studying mathematics in college. Tenth grade and under, I'm not convinced that proof has a real role with them." Another teacher spoke more adamantly about the appropriateness of proof for all students: "I think they're [i.e., advocates of proof throughout school mathematics] smoking crack. I'd like to see how that would happen, what that looks like in a classroom." Thus for these teachers, proof seems to be an important idea only for those students enrolled in advanced mathematics classes and for those students who will most likely be studying mathematics in college. This perspective is in stark contrast to the message being put forth by advocates of reform, namely, that "reasoning and proof [italics added] must be a consistent part of students' mathematical experience in grades pre-K-12" (NCTM, 1998, p. 85).
   Many teachers even more finely delineated the role of proof in upper level mathematics courses, relegating proof primarily to geometry. Moreover, even those teachers who didn't specifically cite geometry as the home of proof in secondary school mathematics, stated that its presence in other upper level mathematics courses was implicit at best, and absent at worse. As one teacher suggested, "In secondary school mathematics proof is not a big part of algebra courses or analysis courses." Again, a view that is inconsistent with the message of reform, "Formal proofs occur in all areas of mathematics and students' school experience with proof should not be limited to geometry" (NCTM, 1998, p. 316), and is one that does not reflect the essence of proof in mathematics.
   Teachers did, however, view informal proofs (e.g., arguments based on empirical evidence) as playing a significant role in the mathematics education of all students. Experiences with more informal methods of proof can provide students with opportunities to formulate and investigate conjectures&emdash;both important aspects of mathematical practice&emdash;and may help "students develop an inner compulsion to understand why a conjecture is true" (Hoyles, 1997, p. 8). Such practices are also reflective of the process of experimentation in mathematics: "Most mathematicians spend a lot of time thinking about and analyzing particular examples. This motivates future development of theory and gives a deeper understanding of existing theory" (Epstein & Levy, 1995, p. 670). For many teachers, informal proofs were viewed as often serving this very function (in higher level classes and, in particular, geometry), namely, as precursors to the development of more formal methods of proof&emdash;to the "development of theory." One teacher described this process in one of her classes: "This [experimentation] students do very early on to show that it works. Then when we introduce other geometry concepts, we come back to this and prove it formally."
   For students in lower level mathematics classes, however, their encounters with proof are limited to informal proofs. As one teacher commented, "When they say 'I noticed this pattern and I tested it out for quite a few cases,' you tell them good job. For them, that's a proof. You don't bother them with the general cases." In fact, few teachers even discuss the limitations of such informal proofs with their students; students are left to believe that their informal arguments are indeed proofs. As Wu (1996) noted, this emphasis on informal proof, even for students in lower level mathematics classes, is "a move in the right direction only if it is a supplement to, rather than a replacement of, the teaching of correct mathematical reasoning; that is, proofs" (p. 226).
   In sum, it is evident that the reform recommendation of "proof for all" is not a view most teachers hold. Rather than providing all students with opportunities for developing "an increasingly sophisticated understanding of mathematical proof" (NCTM, 1998, p. 316) and "an appreciation for the necessity and power of mathematical proof for establishing the truth of their conjectures" (p. 317), teachers tended to view these goals as appropriate opportunities primarily for students enrolled in higher level mathematics classes&emdash;the minority of students who study mathematics in secondary school. Further, even for those students who are enrolled in upper level mathematics classes, the teachers' tended to see geometry as the course where students explicitly encounter the practice of proving. Thus, if these teachers are representative, then for the majority of students&emdash;students enrolled in lower level mathematics classes and students in upper level mathematics classes outside of geometry&emdash;their secondary school mathematics experiences will most likely not include significant encounters with more formal methods of proving.

Implications for Mathematics Teacher Education

If teachers are to be successful integrating proof throughout secondary school mathematics curricula, then their conceptions of proof must be enhanced. The responsibility for enhancing their conceptions of proof lies with both mathematicians and mathematics educators, parties who are responsible for the nature of teachers' experiences with proof in their university mathematics classes and teacher education classes respectively.
   In preparing mathematics teachers to meet the demands of reform, university mathematics professors need to engage teachers in classroom experiences with proof that are more reflective of proof in their own practices. As Alibert and Thomas (1991) suggested,

[the] context in which students meet proofs in mathematics may greatly influence their perception of the value of proof. By establishing an environment in which students may see and experience first-hand what is necessary for them to convince others, of the truth or falsehood of propositions, proof becomes an instrument of personal value which they will be happier to use [or teach] in the future (p. 230).

In short, teachers need to experience proof as a meaningful tool for studying and communicating mathematics rather than as an often meaningless exercise to be done for the professor. Experiences of the former nature may then influence the conceptions of proof teachers develop, which in turn, influence the experiences with proof their students encounter in secondary school mathematics classrooms.
   Perhaps the greatest challenge facing mathematics teacher educators is changing teachers' beliefs about the appropriateness of proof for all students and in all classes. A starting point may be to engage teachers in discussions about what constitutes proof. Does what suffices as proof in the discipline differ from what suffices as proof in secondary school mathematics? Is the acceptance of an argument as proof dependent on the particular community of practice? Is a proof a proof or are there levels of proof? If teachers have limited understandings of what constitutes proof, then it's not surprising that they may perceive proof as inappropriate for most secondary school students. Having teachers construct and present proofs of secondary school mathematics tasks&emdash;tasks from various content areas and levels&emdash;provides a forum for discussing expectations of proof for students at differing levels of mathematical ability and in different mathematics courses. In addition, providing teachers with opportunities to discuss the pedagogical merits of different arguments for a task in terms of an arguments' explanatory qualities may engender in teachers a richer perspective regarding the arguments they select for use in their own instruction (cf. Hanna, 1990). Engaging teachers in all of the aforementioned activities may result in their adopting a view of proof as a tool for studying and understanding mathematics&emdash;an appropriate goal for all students&emdash;rather than as a topic of study&emdash;a perceived goal appropriate for a minority of students.

Concluding Remarks

As Edwards (1997) suggested, "the teaching of proof that takes place in many secondary level mathematics classrooms has often been inconsistent with both the purpose and practice of proving as carried out by established mathematicians" (p. 187). In some sense this is not surprising; secondary school mathematics teachers&emdash;as well as their students&emdash;are, arguably, not mathematicians. Yet, the nature of classroom mathematical practices envisioned by recent mathematics education reform initiatives, and which teachers are expected to establish, reflects the essence of practice in the discipline (Hoyles, 1997). This vision of mathematical practice, however, places serious demands on secondary school mathematics teachers, and their success in responding to these demands depends largely on their conceptions of proof. At the beginning of this article, I posed the following question: Are school mathematics teachers prepared to enact the current reform recommendations regarding proof in their instructional practices? In response, I suggest that the successful enactment of such practices may be difficult for teachers. It is my hope that the findings of this study (some of which were briefly presented in this article) provide mathematics educators with information needed to better prepare teachers to successfully enact these new recommendations. I agree wholeheartedly with Schoenfeld (1994), who concluded, "Do we need proof in school mathematics? Absolutely! Need I say more? Absolutely" (p. 74).


Alibert D., Thomas M. (1991). Research on mathematical proof. In D. Tall (Ed.), Advanced mathematical thinking (pp. 215-230). The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Chazan D. (1990). Quasi-empirical views of mathematics and mathematics teaching. Interchange 21(1), 14-23.
Chazan D. (1993). High school geometry students' justification for their views of empirical evidence and mathematical proof. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 24, 359-387.
Edwards L. (1997). Exploring the territory before proof: Students' generalizations in a computer microworld for transformation geometry. International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning 2, 187-215.
Epstein D., Levy S. (1995). Experimentation and proof in mathematics. Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 42(6), 670-674.
Goetting M. (1995). The college students' understanding of mathematical proof (Doctoral dissertation, University of Maryland, 1995). Dissertations Abstracts International, 56, 3016A.
Hanna G. (1983). Rigorous proof in mathematics education. Toronto, Ontario: OISE Press.
Hanna G. (1990). Some pedagogical aspects of proof. Interchange, 21(1), 6-13.
Harel G., Sowder L. (1998). Students' proof schemes: Results from exploratory studies. In A. Schoenfeld, J. Kaput, E. Dubinsky (Eds.), Research in collegiate mathematics education III, (pp. 234-283). Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of America.
Hersh R. (1993). Proving is convincing and explaining. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 24, 389-399.
Hoyles C. (1997). The curricular shaping of students' approaches to proof. For the Learning of Mathematics, 17(1), 7-16.
Jones K. (1997). Student-teachers' conceptions of mathematical proof. Mathematics Education Review, 9, 21-32.
Knuth E. (1999). The nature of secondary school mathematics teachers' conceptions of proof. Dissertation Abstracts International (University Microfilms No. 9938829).
Knuth E. (2000a). Proof for all? The nature and role of proof in secondary school mathematics. Manuscript in preparation.
Knuth E. (2000b). Secondary school mathematics teachers' conceptions of proof. Manuscript in preparation.
Martin W. G., Harel G. (1989). Proof frames of preservice elementary teachers. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 20(1), 41-51.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (1989). Curriculum and evaluation standards for school mathematics. Reston, VA: Author.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (October, 1998). Principles and standards for school mathematics: Discussion draft. Reston, VA: Author.
Ross K. (1998). Doing and proving: The place of algorithms and proof in school mathematics. American Mathematical Monthly, 3, 252-255.
Schoenfeld A. (1994). What do we know about mathematics curricula? Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 13(1), 55-80.
Simon M., Blume G. (1996). Justification in the mathematics classroom: A study of prospective elementary teachers. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 15, 3-31.
Sowder L., Harel G. (1998). Types of students' justifications. Mathematics Teacher, 91 (8), 670-675. [Focus Issue on the Role of Proof throughout the Mathematics Curriculum].
Usiskin Z. (1987). Resolving the continuing dilemmas in school geometry. In M. Lindquist & A. Shulte (Eds.), Learning and teaching geometry, K-12 (pp. 17-31). Reston, VA: NCTM.
Wu H. (1996). The role of Euclidean geometry in high school. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 15, 221-237.
Wu H. (1997). The mathematics education reform: Why you should be concerned and what you can do. The American Mathematical Monthly, 104(10), 946-954.


© Eric Knuth

Comments by Keith Austin


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