Roulet G. (2000)
The Legacy of Piaget: Some Negative Consequences for Proof and Efforts to Address Them.

Contribution to: Paolo Boero, G. Harel, C. Maher, M. Miyazaki (organisers) Proof and Proving in Mathematics Education. ICME9 TSG 12. Tokyo/Makuhari, Japan.

©Geoffrey Roulet

The words "proof" and "prove" do not appear in recently released Ontario (Canada) mathematics curriculum documents (Ontario Ministry of Education, 1999; Ontario Ministry of Education and Training, 1997, 1999) until the university preparation courses of Grades 11 and 12 (ages 16-18 years). This is a continuation of a curricular perspective (Ontario Ministry of Education, 1980, 1985) that views the concept of proof as not appropriate for students less than 15 years of age, and of an instructional tradition that often introduces mathematical deduction as a highly formal process with little connection to other forms of reasoning. In a number of ways this negative situation for the teaching and learning of proof is the outcome of a three decades-long embrace of Piagetian theories by those providing curriculum leadership.
  During the 1960s, Piaget's description of the processes of intellectual development became the cognitive theory of choice for those charged with developing recommendations for new directions in Ontario's education system generally (Hall & Dennis, 1968) and within the subject of mathematics (K-13 Geometry Committee, 1967; Mathematics Committee K-6, 1965). Calls for: curricula that acknowledged children's stages of cognitive development, the use of concrete materials, experiential learning through student activity, and personal discovery of concepts, were reflected in new and significantly revised policy documents (Ontario Ministry of Education, 1975, 1980). Although subsequent Provincial Reviews of mathematics teaching and learning, showing continued widespread use of teacher-centred direct instruction, suggest that most of the Piagetian ideas failed to take hold, two aspects of Piaget's theory, structuralism and the age ranges for the stages of intellectual development, in a narrow and restricted fashion, found favour with teachers and continue today to inform their instructional planning.
  Piaget, claiming that the "algebra of logic" provides "a precise method of specifying the structures which emerge in the analysis of the operational mechanisms of thought" (1953, p. xviii) makes a connection between the predicate calculus (logic) and the processes of "natural" reasoning. In fact, Piaget goes further and states that "the mother structures of the Bourbaki", the set theoretic foundations of mathematics, "correspond to coordinations that are necessary to all intellectual activity" (1970, p. 27). Studies of thinking in disciplines considerably distant from mathematics, research in the history and ethnology of mathematics, and accounts of mathematical activity by present day research mathematicians, all contradict this identification of formal mathematical deduction as the sole model for mature rational thought. Despite this evidence, mathematics teachers find Piaget's equivalence between thinking and mathematical structure reasonable and pleasing. It identifies a mode of thought in which they feel at home as the pinnacle of intellectual development; a state towards which, it is assumed, all humans are headed, although some may not achieve this final target.
  In Ontario, a simplistic and overly prescriptive interpretation of Piaget's theories has had effects beyond encouraging the view that mathematical formalism emerges from natural mental activity. Piaget and Inhelder set out a theory of intellectual development (1969) that describes a child's increasing mental abilities in terms of a sequence of levels and stages, each with an observed average age range. Between the ages of eleven and fifteen, children are seen to progress from a concrete operational level, where "operations relate directly to objects and to groups of objects", to "the beginning of hypothetico-deductive or formal thought" (p. 132). Following this picture of cognitive development, Ontario's 1985 secondary school mathematics guideline asserted "that the ability to think hypothetically, although encouraged by experience, appears to be a product of maturation" (Ontario Ministry of Education, 1985, p. 41), and held explorations of proof until Grade 10 (age 15 years). Once this age is reached, the guideline invites teachers and textbook authors to take a formal approach with the advice that, "attention should be directed to the role of the building blocks of a proof (undefined terms, definitions, assumptions), with geometry used as a model for a logical system" (p. 40). Assuming that their students have collectively reached Piaget's stage of formal operations, Grade 10 teachers often lead geometry lessons that employ painful detail to prove the obvious. Frequently the focus is on the format or physical layout of the proof rather than the underlying thinking.
  Studies (Lawson & Renner, 1974; Shayer & Wylam, 1978) have challenged the predicted pace of intellectual development taken from Piaget's work and shown that within traditional school programs the majority of students at age 15 are still working at a concrete operational level and thus can be expected to have difficulties with formal proofs. In fact, this situation persists throughout the secondary school years. On the other hand, carefully designed programs that provide introductory experiences in formal reasoning for students in the seventh and eighth grades can accelerate pupils' progress through Piaget's stages (Adey & Shayer, 1994).
  Although Ontario's new curriculum documents restrict the study of proof to senior level university preparation courses, they, in all years, call for increased attention to mathematical thinking. From the earliest grades teachers are to "ensure that students talk about their reasoning" (Ontario Ministry of Education and Training, 1997, p. 6), and beginning in Grade 7, students are to "engage in inductive and deductive reasoning as they make conjectures and seek to explain why they are valid" (p. 76). Taking these directions as an invitation, a project has been initiated to develop and test mathematical environments in which Grades 7 and 8 students collectively participate in activities that provide initial experiences with proof.
  A mathematical environment begins with a context that poses a problem or from which questions naturally arise. A rich context motivates pupils to ask, "Why" and "What if" questions so that subsequent mathematical explorations belong to the class as a whole rather than exclusively to the teacher. The problem itself and the materials (blocks, counters, graph paper) and tools (rulers, compass, calculators, computers) available to the class suggest potentially valuable methods for exploring the questions that arise. Students are grouped and seated in arrangements that encourage conversation and debate about the problem and experiments. This discussion allows students to test out tentative ideas and construct arguments in a collaborative setting before presenting their conjectures to the whole class. Thus, while on the surface it may appear that the class is participating in an open-ended activity, in fact, the teacher has structured the environment to restrict the range of options and focus the students' efforts.
  Since the teacher and textbooks do not serve as authorities, verifying ideas that arise from the class, the context, materials and tools must provide the means for students to test conjectures. In particular, there needs to be some way for the pupils to construct examples of the phenomena under discussion to provide evidence for their hypotheses or counter-examples that can lead to revised conjectures. Class activity moves back and forth between group work, where ideas are developed and tested, and whole class discussion, where tentative theorems or problem solutions are presented and defended.
  In these social constructivist environments, communication is markedly changed from that in a traditional mathematics classroom. The pattern is no longer that of a teacher posing questions, students answering, and then teacher in turn assessing the pupils' responses. Now the talk becomes a conversation involving the problem, materials, tools, all the students and the teacher. Both questions and the validity of answers come from the environment. All participants are responsible for posing problems, suggesting solutions, testing conjectures, and constructing arguments. Taking Vygotsky's view that, "functions are first formed in the collective as relations among children and then become mental functions for the individual" (1981, p. 165), it is hoped that such activities will help students develop the formal operations employed in the construction of mathematical proofs.
  In experiments conducted to date, class progress has generally followed that outlined by Lakatos (1976) in his analysis of the processes of mathematical discovery. Experiments that produce multiple examples of the question situation reveal patterns from which pupils make conjectures; "I think that ... always happens". Groups then spend time constructing and testing further examples or attempting to develop arguments for their conjectures. Students' competitive natures often motivate the desire to locate counter-examples to the conjectures posed by their peers. In doing so, they are involved in specialization (Mason, Burton & Stacey, 1985), the construction of particular cases that highlight the details of the problem situation that will need to be addressed in any future argument or proof. The location of counter-examples or failure to produce complete arguments for a conjecture result in new, revised hypotheses. Through repeated cycles the class moves toward a generalization and supporting reasoned arguments or the initial stages of a proof.
  Field tests so far have shown that it is possible to develop mathematical environments that support, with limited teacher intervention, inductive processes in which pupils experiment and generate conjectures. It has proven more difficult to encourage students to formalize their work and construct summary deductive arguments. Children appear to agree with Mandelbrot's (1992) view that the house building of mathematical exploration is much more satisfying than the house-cleaning of mathematical proof.
  The presence of counter-examples encourages pupils to question the hypotheses and arguments advanced by peers. When counter-examples are difficult or in fact impossible to construct, challenges to faulty or incomplete reasoning do not naturally arise. Treating mathematics as an empirical science, the class in this situation usually takes the conjecture to be proven. Grades 7 and 8 pupils do not appear to possess the skepticism that motivates a careful analysis of the arguments advanced by others. Thus the teacher is forced to provide the calls for further development and clarification of students' reasoning. Although this questioning can provide a valuable model of the care required in the development of proofs, it can also appear to students to be part of a rather meaningless game. A remaining challenge in the project is to find a balance between rigour and meaningfulness.


Adey P., Shayer M. (1994) Really raising standards. London: Routledge.
Hall E. M., Dennis L. A. (Co-chairs). (1968) Living and learning: The report of the provincial committee on aims and objectives of education in the schools of Ontario. Toronto: Ontario Department of Education.
K-13 Geometry Committee (1967) Geometry: Kindergarten to grade thirteen: Report of the (K-13) geometry committee. Toronto: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
Lakatos I. (1976) Proofs and Refutations: The Logic of Mathematical Discovery. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lawson A. E., Renner J. W. (1974) A quantitative analysis of responses to Piagetian tasks and its implications for curriculum. Science Education 58(4), 454-559.
Mandelbrot B. (1992) Fractals and the Rebirth of Experimental Mathematics. In H-O. Peitgen, H. J rgens, & D. Saupe (Eds.) Fractals for the Classroom: Part One: Introduction to Fractals and Chaos (pp. 1-16). New York: Springer-Verlag.
Mason J., Burton L., Stacey K. (1985) Thinking Mathematically (revised ed.). Wokingham, England: Addison-Wesley.
Mathematics Committee K-6 (1965) Mathematics: Report of the committee considering the mathematics programme (K to 6). Toronto: Ontario Curriculum Institute.
Ontario Ministry of Education (1975) Education in the primary and junior divisions. Toronto: Author.
Ontario Ministry of Education (1980) Mathematics curriculum guideline for the intermediate division. Toronto: Author.
Ontario Ministry of Education (1985) Curriculum guideline: Mathematics: Intermediate and senior divisions. Toronto: Queen's Printer for Ontario.
Ontario Ministry of Education (1999) Mathematics 2000: Grades 11 - 12: Curriculum policy document (draft). Toronto: Author. available:
Ontario Ministry of Education and Training (1997) The Ontario curriculum: Grades 1-8: Mathematics: 1997. Toronto: Queen's Printer for Ontario.
Ontario Ministry of Education and Training (1999) The Ontario curriculum: Grades 9 and 10: Mathematics: 1999. Toronto: Queen's Printer for Ontario.
Piaget J. (1953) Logic and psychology. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Piaget J. (1970) Structuralism (C. Maschler, Trans.). New York: Basic Books. (Original work published 1968)
Piaget J., Inhelder B. (1969) The psychology of the child (H. Weaver, Trans.). New York: Basic Books. (Original work published 1966)
Shayer M., Wylam H. (1978) The distribution of Piagetian stages of thinking in British middle and secondary school children. II - 14- to 16-year-olds and sex differentials. British Journal of Educational Psychology  48, 62-70.
Vygotsky L. S. (1981). The genesis of higher mental functions. In J. V. Wertsch (Ed.) The concept of activity in Soviet psychology (pp. 144-188). Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.