Olivero F. (2000)
Exploring, constructing, talking and writing during the proving process within a dynamic geometry environment: what continuity(ies)?

Contribution to: Paolo Boero, G. Harel, C. Maher, M. Miyazaki (organisers) Proof and Proving in Mathematics Education. ICME9 TSG 12. Tokyo/Makuhari, Japan.

© F. Olivero

Theoretical background

In recent years some crucial aspects of mathematics have been reduced in importance, or even removed from the basic requirements of high school in some countries. Proof is one of these. Diminishing the importance of some features of mathematics in schools may compromise the quality of students' intellectual development and may compromise the specific role of cultural transmission that schooling plays within the mechanism of cultural reproduction in a society (Boero, 2000).
  There is an ongoing debate within the Mathematics Education research community tackling the problem of the teaching and learning of proof from different perspectives: historical, epistemological, cognitive and didactical. Historical and epistemological studies on proof have shown that proof is crucial in mathematics. This suggests that, despite all the difficulties they have in approaching proof, as identified in the literature, students should be presented with this mathematical experience. Cognitive and didactical studies may provide useful insights into possible successful ways of introducing students to proof. Many studies have focused on proof as a final product providing different classifications of students' proofs (e.g. Harel & Sowder, 1996). However processes of proof production need to be investigated in order to find elements which are fundamental to make the transition to proof happen.
  Italian researchers have developed a common theoretical and analytical framework aimed at analysing students' processes of production of 'theorems' (a unity of statement, proof and reference theory), with focus on the complex processes used when exploring, conjecturing and constructing proofs in open problems within different environments (paper & pencil, computers, mechanisms) and different contexts (geometry, arithmetic, algebra). The analytical tools which have been developed are: fields of experience (Boero, 1992); semiotic mediation and semiotic mediation within microworlds (Mariotti & Bartolini Bussi, 1998; Bartolini Bussi & Mariotti, 1999); Cognitive Unity (Boero et al, 1996; Mariotti et al, 1997).
  Within this framework, the research group I belong to in Turin has investigated in particular the role of mediation of a dynamic geometry environment in the proving process. A first teaching experiment was carried out two years ago. The conclusion from that project was that Cabri was a mediator in the transition to proof because of the dragging function, which allows students to perform experiments with geometrical figures, that otherwise might be difficult because carried out only in the mind. Dragging figures on the screen allows students to carry out explorations which experts are more likely to do spontaneously in the resolution of a problem. Different dragging modalities used by students were identified and their cognitive counterpart analysed. A model describing the proving process was developed; it revealed that there was an evolution in the use of the dragging modalities, corresponding to a shift from conjectures to proofs [*] (Arzarello et al, 1998a, 1998b; 1999).
  New classroom observations, both in Italy and in England, have highlighted a much more complex situation concerning the evolution of the dragging modalities and shown the need for taking into account the whole learning environment. For example, students do not use dragging throughout the whole proving process when working in a dynamic geometry environment, but there are moments in which they need to stop dragging and work on the static Cabri figure. Moreover it seems that students do not make use of Cabri only, when provided with proving activities to be tackled in that environment. Most of them still use paper and pencil and/or other tools available to them in the classroom. In particular we observed the use of sketches on paper, especially after having produced a conjecture in Cabri.
  The project I am carrying out for my PhD [*] focuses on the analysis of the processes leading students to the construction of a 'proven conjecture' (i.e. a mathematical object "A(B") in geometry. Particular attention will be paid to the role of mediation played by a dynamic geometry environment (Cabri-Geometre) and its characterising features and to the interaction with the other tools (different forms of oral and written languages) which may support students in that transition. Cabri is explicitly introduced by the teacher in the classroom as a mediator, in the sense that teachers use Cabri "to direct the learner in the construction of meaning mathematically consistent" (Mariotti, 2000), i.e. in order to support students towards the construction of proofs. Students use Cabri as a tool in order to solve the problems they are given, and in this sense it functions as a semiotic mediator, "i.e. meanings may emerge from subjects involvement in the activity" (Mariotti, 2000). Within Cabri, different elements can be object of mediation: dragging, constructions, measures, etc…. The elaborated framework will show which elements are fundamental to make this transition happen. Therefore it will show how certain ways of approaching proof may be successful in the classroom, and consequently it will provide the basis for a teaching experiment to be implemented and evaluated afterwards.
  This contribution will illustrate a preliminary analysis of students' protocols which introduce relevant elements to be further investigated, with particular respect to the analysis of the links between the genesis of conjectures and the genesis of proofs within the proving process, in terms of processes of reasoning, forms of representations (language, metaphors, dragging, …), physical referents (gestures, …) and theory. Taking on board the embodied cognition perspective, one of the aims is to analyse how a typically conceptual (and theory-based) activity like proving may be rooted in "perceptual, motor-program, emotional, historical, social and linguistic experience" (Johnson, 1987). This is analysed according to the construct of semiotic mediation.

A preliminary analysis

The following examples are taken from a protocol of a pair of students (17 years old) solving an open problem within Cabri (but similar observations were made in protocols from other classrooms).

The problem is the "Angle bisectors problem" (fig.1):

Let ABCD be a quadrilateral. Consider the bisectors of its internal angles and the intersection points H, K, L, M of pairs of consecutive bisectors.

1. Drag ABCD, considering different configurations. What happens to the quadrilateral HKLM? What kind of figure does it become?
2. Can HKLM become any quadrilateral?
3. Can HKLM become a point? Which hypothesis on ABCD do you need in order to have this situation?

Figure 1

The problem was used as part of a classroom experience [*] carried out with six Further Maths A-level students (17 years old) aimed at introducing students to processes of proving, exploiting the potentialities of open problems and of the Cabri environment. The project consisted of: 7 classroom-based sessions, aimed at introducing the basic and essential ideas involved in the process of proving statements in mathematics, moving from the elaboration of conjectures to their justification and formalisation and a project work. The classroom-based sessions involved three phases. First, the teacher introduced the problem. Second, students solved the problem in groups with Cabri and paper & pencil, so producing conjectures & proofs. Third, the teacher orchestrated a general discussion, in which students exposed, confronted and discussed their conjectures and proofs, co-ordinated by the teacher.
  In each session we video recorded one pair of students while solving the problem and the final discussion.
  In the following I will outline some of the relevant elements of analysis which will ultimately be elaborated in a more comprehensive model describing and interpreting the whole proving process.

Generation of conjectures with the mediation of dragging and language.

The following excerpt illustrates the mediation of the dragging function in the generation of a conjecture. At the same time, it can be observed the evolution of the language students use over the generation process.

Students' work Analysis

The students are explaining to the teacher the conjecture that if ABCD is a parallelogram then HKLM is a parallelogram too, which they have previously discovered.

127. A makes it (ABCD) to have a square inside (HKLM) and it says 'object are parallel'.

128. A: yes?

129. T: ??

130. A uses check property for external quadrilateral.

131. A: these two are parallel…right OK.

132. A moves the side CD

133. W: they are always parallel!

134. A: oh yes, they are always parallel!

135. T: because you are moving a side now, that's OK.

136. A: yeah. So any parallelogram



137. W: so whenever the outside lines are parallel the inside ones are.

138. While saying this A stops for a second.








In 131 'These two' refers to two particular lines of a particular figure. It is an observation of a property on the figure.

Dragging CD provokes a generalisation from the particular observation to a general statement saying the property is 'always' true (133).

After that, a justification in terms of dragging within Cabri is given (135).

In 136 a 'translation' of dragging into geometry occurs through language: dragging CD is 'translated' in the geometric statement 'any parallelogram'. Moreover this last figure is no more referred to as a particular parallelogram ('this'), but it represents a generic object ('any parallelogram').

At the end (137) the conjecture is general and it is formulated in a deductive form ('whenever …'). The students have so validated their conjecture while constructing it.

A and W are the students; T is the teacher

Links between elements of the conjecture which are the basis for the proof.

One of the main points of the Cognitive Unity framework is the fact that students seem to 're-play' in the proving phase the processes they used in the conjecturing phase and to re-use the same elements but with a different function. The following example shows how the element which made the students produce the conjecture about the parallelogram, is the central element around which the proof is constructed.

Students' work Analysis

45. A: If those lines (two sides) are parallel then these are parallel (two bisectors) (see Fig.2)


137. W: so whenever the outside lines are parallel the inside ones are.


At the end A wants to prove this conjecture. She works on paper.

403. A: yes I'm trying to do the parallelogram. If you know that…they are the same angles right, because opposite angles are equal, those are bisectors.

404. Silence. A uses a pen to redraw the bisectors she has already drawn (Fig.3).

405. A draws the diagonal

406. W. Say that that angle…

407. A: well you can say; I know how you do it right? If you draw the diagonal there right? (she draws it) Then you know that that angle there, the big one, is equal to that angle there (between the sides and the diagonal).

408. W. Yes

409. A:. so that tiny bit equals that tiny bit.

410. W: because that's equal to that

45. A:yeah. Therefore those alternate angles are equal therefore those two are parallel (the bisectors).

Figure 2           Figure 3

The conjecture A makes in 45 involves just a part of the figure (the parallelism of the bisectors). The language refers to 'those lines', i.e. to a particular figure.

Line 137 represents a general conjecture (whose generation has been explained above).

In 405 A draws the key element for the proof, which then centres around showing that the bisectors are parallel. This was the same element leading her to formulate the conjecture.

It is interesting to notice that in the construction of the proof the language uses again 'those', 'that', etc. However I would suggest that this language has a different meaning from the same words used in the conjecturing phase.

Oral and written proofs.

In order to construct the product A(B the following transitions are fundamental:

• from temporal narratives to mathematical logic, via the generation of conditional statements;
• from actions to relationships;
• from perceptions to concepts;
• from descriptions to representations, via a generalisation process.

"Theorems are out of time and out of history, it is like they have lived for ever" (…), while our everyday experience and the empirical practices in Cabri are embedded in time. They follow a temporal logic, while a proof has to follow a mathematical logic, based on the logical consequences of statements. Students often provide chronological accounts of actions carried out rather than pointing out connections and implications. We can view proof like a snapshot, while empirical practices can be represented as a film. The fact that in a proof the arguments need to be written in a deductive order needs restructuring the actions which led students the proof itself and reveals difficult.

It is interesting to see how this pair of students generate the proof for their main conjecture [*] : it consists of a dynamic evolution from an oral proof on a static Cabri figure to the explanation of the proof to the teacher to an oral proof based on sketches on paper to a written proof to be presented to the classroom. It seems that when they change tool (oral/written language, Cabri/paper&pencil), the students need to re-construct the proof. In particular the passage from oral to written proof is not just a matter of 'translating' a proof.

The oral proof in Cabri starts off in this way:

208. W: so you have one line going straight through the middle obviously (the diagonal AC). Then those two(the bisectors of <B and <D)) must meet in the middle again.

The organisation of the sketches in Figure 4 does not follow a sequential logic. They started off that figure with the intention of writing the final proof, but then while trying to write they re-constructed it through the sketches .

Figure 5 is what the students considered to be a final product. Not very much of the actual proof is present on that paper.

Figure : sketches for the proof on paper. The sketches are numbered in the order of construction

Figure : proof to be presented to the whole classroom.


General structure of the protocol, showing a similarity between the genesis of proofs and of conjectures.

From this and other observations, it can be observed that the whole proving process seems to develop according to a dynamic evolution of the following phases, which are not necessarily sequential. A similar structure between the genetic process for conjectures and for proofs is suggested.

1. Exploration in Cabri. Figures are dragged and properties are discovered (invariants, etc…). The students see things and mainly describe what they see.
2. Oral formulation of a conjecture/conjectures. It happens the conjectures are produced simultaneously, many at the same time and quite messy.
3. Writing the conjectures. Now they are produced in a form "when…" or "if…then" and more organised.
4. During the exploration phase, elements of justification are already present and mixed with the actual conjectures.
5. Constructing a proof, working on paper sketches (or looking at the still Cabri figure) and using gestures (hands, pens). It is still very messy. A lot of statements are produced but not yet ordered in a logical form.
6. Writing a proof. Even when the students seem to agree on a proof, when they have to write it down they re-work it because the fact they have to 'translate' into a logical form, getting read of the temporal sequence of events.

The actual sequence in the protocol of A and W is the following.

1 - exploration (1-202)
5 - constructing a proof for the case of the kite (203-287) and explaining it to the teacher (288-321)
3 - writing conjectures in the Cabri workspace (322-
6-5-3 - A wants to write the proof for the kite but they have to rework it again. (340-398)
5 - A constructs the proof for the parallelogram (399-412)
6 - A writes down the proof on OHP (413-418)

Final remarks and questions

From these excerpts some main elements to be investigated emerge, which can be made explicit in the following research questions.

• When and how do students start the proving process, that is asking why a certain proposition hold?
• What are the genetic processes in the construction of proofs? Can a continuity be identified between the genesis of conjectures and the genesis of proofs? What elements provide this continuity?
• What is the mediating role of the dragging function in the proving process? In particular, what elements make it a support in the transition from empirical to theoretical practices?
• What other Cabri elements mediate the proving process? How?
• How do students integrate Cabri in their own thinking processes?
• What is the evolution of students' use of oral and written language over the process?
• What other forms of external representations (e.g. sketches, drawings, etc…) are used in the proving process? When and how?


Arzarello F., Olivero F., Paola D., Robutti O. (1999). Dalle congetture alle dimostrazioni. Una possibile continuità cognitiva, L'insegnamento della matematica e delle scienze integrate, vol.22B, n.3.
Arzarello F., Micheletti C., Olivero F., Paola D., Robutti O. (1998a) 'A model for analysing the transition to formal proofs in geometry'. In: A. Olivier & K. Newstead (eds.), Proceedings of PME22, Stellenbosch, South Africa, vol. 2, pp. 24-31.
Arzarello F., Gallino G., Micheletti C., Olivero F., Paola D., Robutti O. (1998b) 'Dragging in Cabri and modalities of transition from conjectures to proofs in geometry'. In: A. Olivier and K. Newstead (eds.), Proceedings of PME22, Stellenbosch, South Africa, vol. 2, pp.32-39.
Bartolini Bussi M. G., Mariotti M. A. (1999b) 'Semiotic mediation : from history to mathematics classroom', For the Learning of Mathematics, 19 (2), 27-35.
Boero P. (1992) 'The crucial role of semantic fields in the development of problem solving skills', in J. P. Ponte et al. (eds), Mathematical Problem Solving and New Information Technologies, Springer-Verlag, Berlin
Boero P., Garuti R., Mariotti M.A. (1996) 'Some dynamic mental processes underlying producing and proving conjectures', Proc. PME XX, Valencia, vol. 2,121-128.
Harel G., Sowder L. (1996) Classifying processes of proving, Proceedings of PME XX, Valencia, vol.3, 59-66.
Johnson M. (1987) The body in the mind: the bodily basis of meaning, imagination and reason, Chicago: The Univ. of Chicago Press.
Mariotti M.A., Bartolini Bussi M.G. (1998) From drawing to construction: teacher's mediation within the Cabri environment, Proceedings of PMEXXII, Stellenbosch, vol. 3, 247 254.
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1. An account of the study is provided in the quoted references. [Back]
2. The project is carried out within a collaboration between the University of Turin and the University of Bristol. [
3. This project was carried out by: G. Moënne, C. Mogetta, F. Olivero & R. Sutherland, Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol. [
4. The conjecture was first formulated in this way: So for HKLM to be a point…when is that? when it's two sides next to each other then must be equal. That should work. [