Harada K., Gallou-Dumiel E., Nohda N. (2000)
The Role of Figures in Geometrical Proof-Problem Solving
(Types of Students' Apprehensions of Figures in France and Japan.

Contribution to: Paolo Boero, G. Harel, C. Maher, M. Miyazaki (organisers) Proof and Proving in Mathematics Education. ICME9 TSG 12. Tokyo/Makuhari, Japan.

© Harada K., Gallou-Dumiel E., Nohda N.

1. Introduction

We have carried out France and Japan Cross-Cultural Research on the Role of Figures in Geometry(*) since 1997. We have interested in students' geometrical proof-problem solving in secondary schools in each country. We clarified that geometrical figure is an important mathematical object that help students in producing their proofs (Harada et al.,1993).
  However, we observed that the geometrical figures exerted negative influences on the problem solving,for example,"producing propositions based on visual judgments" and "depending prototype example of triangle" (Gallou-Dumiel et al.,1997). We think that the negative influences depend on their viewpoints of geometrical figures.
  From this viewpoint, we set up the purpose of this research as follows:

The purpose of this research is to clarify characteristics of students' apprehensions of figures underlying their viewpoints of geometrical figures in proof-problem solving through a case study.

For the purpose of this research, we will consider "types of apprehension of figure" ("les types d'apprehension des figures") which are identified by Mesquita (Mesquita,1989) as a theoretical foundation. Because we think that it is useful for us to observe students' cognitions of geometrical figures.

2. Theoretical Foundation of Research -Types of Apprehension of Figure -

Mesquita insisted the characteristics of four types of apprehensions of figures as follows:

(1) Perceptual apprehension (l'apprehension perceptive): it is a type of apprehension based on perceived properties of figures and relates to the figural organization laws in Gestalt Psychology.

(2) Operative apprehension (l'apprehension operatoire): it is a type of apprehension based on modifications or transformations of a figure. A heuristic function which gives students an insight to a solution of problem will be produced by this type of apprehension.

(3) Sequential apprehension (l'apprehension sequentielle): it is a type of apprehension based on construction sequences of figure. The constructions of figure are necessary for this type of apprehension.

(4) Discursive apprehension (l'apprehension discursive): it is a type of apprehension based on the hypothesis in the problem. The hypothetical-deductive proof will be produced by this type of apprehension.

We especially focused on the "operative apprehension" in this research because there are various ways of apprehension of figure and heuristic functions to find solutions of the problem in the operative apprehensions.
  Mesquita describes that there are four kinds of "modifications of configurations (modifications configurales)" as the ways of the "operative apprehensions":

(a) Mereologic modification (modification mereologique): it is a modification which we can divide a whole figure into sub-figures and integrate those sub-figures.

(b) Ensemblic modification (modification ensembliste): it is a modification which we can divide elements of figure (line, circle,etc.) into several elements or take out the elements from the figure.

(c) Optic modification (modification optiqe): it is a modification which we can modify a figure from a specific viewpoint, for example, larger or narrower, and horizontal or slant.

(d) Positional modification (modification positionnelle): it is a modification which we can modify the positions or the orientations in the figure.

3.Methods of Investigation

(1) Problem of Investigation

Problem: ABC is triangle. Construct a square MNPQ with Pe(BC), Qe(BC), Me(AB), Ne(AC). Can you explain how to construct the square ? Also prove that the construction is valid.
  This problem is located in common with Secondary School Curriculum in each country. The problem is given in Lycee 1eres in France and Junior High School,the second grade, in Japan.
  The problem have considered by many researchers based on their viewpoints ofresearches, for example, Polya (1973) and Schoenfeld (1985). Although they insisted "heuristics for problem solving" on this problem, they did not discuss relationships between the geormetrial figures and proofs. In this investigation, we would like to discuss such relationships based on their apprehensions of figures.

(2) Subjects

In France, six students in Lycee 1eres. They are the 11th grader students and 16-17 years old. In Japan, six students in Junior High School. They are the 9th grader students and 14-15 years old.

(3) Methods

We explained how to solve the this problem to our students as follows:

- First, draw an inscribed square in the triangle based on your expectations and research in this figure geometrical properties to find how to draw the square.

- Second, draw an another square in your figure ( e.g.BCDE) and research in this figure geometrical properties to find how to draw an inscribed square in triangle.

- Third, explain how to draw the inscribed square in the triangle.

- Fourth, prove that the construction is valid.

They could spend about 1 hour to solve the problem. After the investigations, hey were interviewed by investigators about their thinking processes.

4. Viewpoints of Investigations and the Results

(I) After students drew an inscribed square in the triangle based on their expectations,
what types of apprehensions of figures do they produce ?

In France, Student BK applied Midpoint Connector Theorem to the triangle ABC. Student GN and Student AT found that triangle AMN is drawn by reductions of triangle ABC. Student LI applied Thales' Theorem to the triangle ABC.
  In Japan, Student KY tried to find length segment BP in the case of QC=x, but she could not a solution by using equations. Student YA drew segment NP and tried to find relationships between triangles AMN, MNP and NPQ. Student HK drew another square which adjoined to the square MNPQ and found a similarity transformation of two squares.
  French students produced "operative apprehension" connecting with "discursive apprehension" and used "optic modifications". On the other hand, Japanese students produced "operative apprehension" connecting with "perceptual apprehension" and used "mereologic modifications".

(II) After they drew an another square in the figure,
what types of apprehensions of figures do they produce?

In France, Student LI could find that there is an homothetie of center A and produced several expressions: AM=kAB,AN=kAC, AQ=kAB', AP=kAC'.
  In Japan, all of students (6) could find that there is a similarity transformation between two squares.
  In this step of problem solving, both of French and Japanese students produced "operative apprehension" connecting with "discursive apprehension" by using "optic modifications".

(III) In their explanations for how to draw an inscribed square in triangle,
what kinds of inferences do they produce?

In France, Student LG, AT and LI explained that they could draw two lines AD and AE based on an homothetie between MNPQ and BCDE and decide positions of two points P and Q on BC as intersections of those lines and BC.
  In Japan, Student (HK) could explain the reason based on ratios of length of sides of similar triangles based on measurements of segments. Students (KM and YA ) checked the fact that two squares are similar by drawing the lines through vertexes of each squares using ruler. Student KM explained the fact that two quadrilaterals are squares, then MNPQ is similar. She made mistake in how to infer in this problem solving.
  French students produced deductive inferences based on "operative apprehensions" and "discursive apprehensions" of figure. The "discursive apprehension" depended on a theorem (i.e.homothetie). On the other hand, Japanese students produced inferences based on "operative apprehensions" and "perceptual apprehensions" of figure. The "perceptual apprehensions" depended on their measurements of segments using ruler. One student made mistake in how to infer because she observed two squares based on "perceptual apprehensions" and not "sequential apprehensions" of figures.

(IV) In their proofs for validity of construction,
what kinds of inferences do they produce?

French students LG, AT and LI as well as Japanese students (except KM) could explain how to draw an inscribed square in the triangle but they did not write a proof of the fact.
  Because, French students implicitly could understand the inference that the quadrilateral BCDE is a square and then it is transformed to MNPQ. On the other hand, Japanese students could not understand the inferences that if "the quadrilateral M'N'P'Q' is a square" then "MNPQ is a square".

5. Conclusions

For the purpose of this research, we could clarify the characteristics of apprehensions of figures underlying their viewpoints of geometrical figures.

(i) French students produced "operative apprehension" connecting with "discursive apprehension" and used "optic modifications". On the other hand, Japanese students produced "operative apprehension" connecting with "perceptual apprehension and used "mereologic modifications".

(ii) French students produced deductive inferences based on "discursive apprehensions" of figure. The apprehensions depended on the theorems. On the other hand, Japanese students produced inferences based on "perceptual apprehensions" of figure. The apprehensions depended on concrete figures or numerical values. Especially one student who produced "perceptual apprehension" and not "sequential apprehension" of figure made mistake in her inference.


Gallou-Dumiel E., Harada K., Nohoda N. (1997) France-Japan cross-cultural research on the role of the figures in geometry. Report of Geometry Working Group in the 21st PME Conference, Finland.pp.1-11.
Harada. K., Nohda N., Gallou-Dumiel E. (1993) The role of conjectures in geometrical proof-problem solving. France and Japan collaborative research -.Proceedings of the 17th PME Conference, Vol.3, Japan,pp.113-120.
Mesquita A. (1989) L'influence des aspects figuratifs dans l'argumentations des élèves en geometrie. These Universite Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg.pp.9-23.
Polya G. (1973) How To Solve It. Princeton University Press.(2nd Edition)
Shoenfeld A. (1985) Mathematical Problem Solving. Academic Press, Inc.

Note: (*) France and Japan Collaborative Research of an agreement between Universite de Grenoble and University of Tsukuba.