Gravina M. A. (2000)
The proof in geometry: essays in a dynamical environment.

Contribution to: Paolo Boero, G. Harel, C. Maher, M. Miyazaki (organisers) Proof and Proving in Mathematics Education. ICME9 TSG 12. Tokyo/Makuhari, Japan.

This paper discusses the use of dynamical geometric environment in helping the students understand the concept of mathematical proof through geometrical constructions. For the students the concept of mathematical proof is not a spontaneous acquisition. To attain this goal pedagogical and didactical measures are necessary. Didactical situation that favor such understanding is suggested.

© Maria Alice Gravina


1. Introduction

It is well established that the mathematical proof process has a central role in the learning of geometry. For students in learning situation this is a source of difficulties; recurrent cognitive and epistemological obstacles are present as is shown by research literature in the area (Balacheff,1987,1991,1998; Chazan,1983; Hoyles,1997; Moore,1994) and the learning situations we have been following (Gravina,1996). One of the obstacles lies in the necessary transition from the already acquired empirical knowledge to the knowledge that is established as axiomatic geometry. The construction of this knowledge demands cognitive attitudes that are beyond the spontaneous ones:

"Axioms, definitions, theorems, and proofs have to penetrate as active components in the reasoning process. They have to be invented or learned, organized, checked, and used actively by student. Understanding what rigor means in a hypothetic-deductive construction, the feeling of coherence and consistency, the capacity to think propositionally, independently of practical constraints, are not spontaneous acquisitions of the adolescent. In Piagetian theory, all these capabilities are described as being related to age &endash; the formal operation period. As a matter of fact, they are no more then open potentialities that only an adequate instructional process is able to shape and transform into active mental realities" (Fischbein , 1994, pg. 232)

In the overcoming of difficulties, inherent to the learning process in geometry, dynamical environments have been attested to be powerful resources (Keyton, 1997; Laborde & Capponi, 1994; Laborde, 1994,1998; Yerushalmy & Chazan, 1990). They favor the externalization of ideas and the necessary conflicts for adjusting mathematical and individual meanings. The research literature shows positive results mainly in the construction of concepts, that is, the agreement of mental images to geometric concepts with consequent dismissal of prototypical images. The literature also shows positive response of the students towards explanation when they experience the conjecturing process that naturally takes place in those environments; it seems that students are genuinely more motivated to search for explanations of compelling invariants that emerge under "drag actions".
   Our main concern in this work is about the students' attitudes that are necessary for proving geometrical facts. For the comprehension of deductive reasoning the first step seems to be understanding that there are geometrical facts following as consequences of some preliminary assertions. With the main purpose of promoting this first attitude we developed an experience based on geometrical constructions. These geometrical constructions, being under students' control, evidence that they did assert some constructible facts and that certain geometrical relations are implicit in their statements.

The teaching experiment

The experience was carried out with a group of fourteen students, aged 18-19, following a one-semester course in plane Euclidean geometry, part of the core courses in the pre-service program for mathematics teachers, at Federal University of RGS &endash; Brazil, in the fall 1999. It is worth saying that Brazilian secondary geometry curriculum does not reserve a special place for proof process. The students work out very few proofs and, as a consequence, when entering the university they do not seem to appreciate the difference between empirical verifications and deductive reasoning. It is even common to find students showing a weak understanding of geometrical objects and confusing properties that are instances of a drawing with their truly geometrical properties (Gravina, 1996).
   The course started with an overview of the dynamical environment Cabri-Géomètre, where the students were introduced to some of the menus and the drag function. The students worked in pairs and were initially invited to produce some free constructions. Surprisingly enough, only few pairs made figures that were stable under dragging; their productions, in general, were freehand childish drawings, despite of their knowledge of Cabri resources.

The experiment took ten two-hour meetings and was divided into four stages:

Stage 1: After the brief period of acquaintance with Cabri, the students were invited to construct some well know polygons ( triangles, squares, parallelograms...). They were asked to do as many constructions as possible of the same polygon under the condition of being geometrically stable.

Stage 2: For each construction they were asked to write down the geometrical procedures they used. Here the resource "Replay Construction" of Cabri was useful in checking the correctness of description. The didactical goal was to improve the geometric language and to begin the control of stated facts.

Stage 3: The activities were similar to those of stage 2, with an added task: to identify geometrical facts that visually come out from the "moving draws", that were not explicit in their constructions. At the beginning of this stage the teacher/researcher, in a group discussion, used one of the constructions made by the students to make the task clear (see Fig3). The purpose in this stage was to make students aware of the differences between the given conditions and implicit consequences, i.e, between the "if-part" and the "then-part" of a geometrical statement .

Stage 4: After the students realized the distinction between the "givens" and the "consequences" clearly, a new aim was set: to find reasons that would explain the relationships detected in their constructions. The students were challenged towards attitudes of argumentation. Having found that it was not quite natural for them to grasp the meaning of hypothetical-deductive argumentation, the teacher/researcher intentionally made a meta-knowledge intervention: a discussion about the axiomatic nature of geometry. Primitive notions and relations, axioms and definitions were introduced, as well the "game rules" - the arguments should be based on axioms and properties (theorems) that had already been obtained through deductive reasoning. It was stressed that the progressive construction of knowledge should be in accordance with a well-defined social-mathematical consensus and, as a consequence, even visually evident properties should be explained. With this in mind and the purpose of throwing light upon the mathematical subject under study, the teacher/researcher discussed, collectively, the well known property "a point P lies in the perpendicular bisector of segment AB if and only if PA=PB", as follows: the "givens" were constructed, the consequences emerging without explicit actions were identified and a deductive argumentation was produced. After that, the students carried out similar interplay between construction and proof process.

The students' production

Based on class observations and collected material (Cabri files and written papers) we identified in the students' productions:

About the geometrical constructions (stage 1, see Fig1) :
a) different constructions of polygons (starting by side, by diagonal, by circle, by center and vertex, by side midpoints) were produced.
b) particular constructions instead of general ones showed up (parallelograms with constant proportional sides, rhombus with angles measures constant, isosceles triangles with congruent height and base).
c) some freehand drawing mixed with geometrical construction were detected.

About the description of the construction statements (stage 2, see Fig 2) :

a) adequate use of geometrical language.
b) cases of inclusion of facts that were not declared in the construction ("visual facts").

About the identification of implicit consequences (stage 3, see Fig 4 ) :

a) in general, they were well-identified.
b) there were still cases of taking implicit facts as stated facts.

About the very first argumentations (stage 4, see Fig 5, Fig 6 and Fig 7 ) :

a) "givens" and "consequences", in general, were under adequate control
b) explanation using measures and visual resources were detected.
c) cases of difficulties for progressing with argumentation were present.
d) some of the pairs presented well-developed deductive arguments, but it was quite frequent to offer correct proof for a property that was not the one aimed at.

Discussion of the teaching experiment

The development of tasks in progressive difficulty helped students in the construction of meaning of the geometrical statements "if ...then". The conscious thought supporting the explicit action of selecting menus in a sequential procedure of construction and the resulting feedback on the screen favored a progressive control and organization of declared facts (control of hypothesis); with this control and the ability of dragging the constructions they realized that compelling visual invariants were consequences of stated facts (control of thesis), which could and should be explained. Distinct construction procedures for the same polygon showed that an adequate choice of preliminary assertions was up to them and that "the consequences" to be explained, in each case, would be different. They were developing the feeling for producing conjectures.
   It is important to notice that in the initial productions the construction procedure and the description of its steps did not always match: implicit properties that did show up visually stable were taken as given by construction. For instance descriptions like "line parallel to line r passing trough A and B" instead of the construction step "line parallel to line r passing trough A", being subject to argumentation "passing trough B" (see appendix, fig2). But gradually the students improved this control and become very confident in identifying sequential construction and implicit consequences.
   In their first argumentations (in the context of very elementary properties), the students frequently forgot the "game rules" using measure and visual resources to validate properties. For instance, for some of them it was quite natural to argument that "if a circle constructed with center O passing trough A 'fits' in B then OB=OA". The transition from empiric verifications (visual and measures aids) to deductive argumentation was not immediate, but it took place.
   It was quite frequent to find an intended proof replaced by proving something else, i.e., mathematically the deductive argument was correct, but it did not prove the aimed property. It was not easy for the students to become aware that "they missed the point", that a detour had been made. Sometimes such behavior was caused by poor comprehension of geometrical concepts; in others it seemed that such behavior could be caused by the intellectual satisfaction in producing a logically coherent argumentation up to the point of missing the proof initially aimed at.
   As the experiment progressed (stage 4), the students gradually started to distinguish the nature of the statements they were making during argumentation and did stress it through a discourse like "I am saying this because it is part of the construction" (control of preliminaries assertions), "I am saying this because I see it" (but aware of the empirical information, when they did not succeed in proving a stable visual fact) or "I am saying this because I proved it" (plain control by deductive reasoning).
   The material analyzed showed a meaningful progress towards the comprehension of what a proof is about. The very first competence skills for producing proofs were acquired: the control of declared facts; the understanding of progressive restriction for imposing certain facts which then should be proved; the awareness of the distinction between arguments based on empirical evidence and arguments based on deductive reasoning.

Final remarks

The teaching experiment reported in this paper is part of a wider on-going research project that aims at investigating the potential of dynamic geometry environments in the learning of the proof process. To be able to engage in a proof process, with all its complexity (identifying assumptions, conjecturing, looking at special cases, to name but a few the aspects), the students need to be aware of what producing a mathematical proof means. In the teaching experiment developed, simple geometrical constructions were proposed for attaining such awareness; to explain why a geometrical property came out as consequence of some declared properties was the purpose rather than to be convinced that a (obvious) relationship was true. The environment made the interplay between geometric construction and proof process possible; the great precision of drawings and the geometric invariant facts, instead of dismissed attitudes for deductive reasoning, made the students even more alert to implicit facts that should be proved.
   So far our main concern was to foster the students understanding of the hypothetical-deductive nature of geometry. Our next research point is how to help the students learn the classical results of geometry (triangle middle base, inscribed angle, Tales theorem, Pythagoras theorem, ...), more efficiently by using dynamic environments. To have students engaged in the richness of the learning process that can be promoted in such environments, a new treatment for classical theorems must be thought of. Inductive evidence, in general, is not enough for insights towards proving. Deductive reasoning plays an important role, but mainly for organizing the arguments of a successful proving process. To produce proof, an insight must come up; the question we have is how to design didactical situations where students would experience "forms of thought" which could empower them in creating proofs. In this general direction, Simon (1996, p.198, p.207) suggests a third type of reasoning, not inherently inductive or deductive, as part of the students' mathematical explorations and justifications: "(...) very often what the students are seeking is a sense of how the mathematical system in question works. Such knowledge is often result of 'running' the system (...) I call this transformational reasoning (...) Transformational reasoning involves envisioning the transformation of a mathematical situation and the results of that transformation(...) is often a sense of understanding how it works". Also Goldenberg (1995) suggests to approach theorems as functions; the theorems should not be static statements, but they should come up as functions defined in a class of geometrical objects and would be represented through a dynamic process. 'Theorems like functions' (even if vaguely defined by Goldenberg) might be an interesting approach for recasting static theorems (at least some of them) as dynamic theorems and 'transformational reasoning' might be one of the cognitive attitudes to be developed for generating insights on the proofs of theorems, using dynamic environments.


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Fig 1
Geometrical constructions with points A and B as initial objects
(production of Car &Cla, Mar &Rog, Ana & Dan)


Fig 2
Inclusion of facts not declared in the construction(bolded)
(production of Ana & Dan , Car &Cla, Mar & Nat)



Fig 3
Support for the teacher /researcher intervention in stage 3


Fig 4
Identification of implicit facts
(production of Ana & Dan)


Fig 5
Deductive argumentation using 'visual fact' (bolded)
(production Ana & Dan) 


Fig 6
Deductive argument with detour (bolded)
(production of Mar & Nat)


Fig 7
Deductive argumentation with quite efficient control
(production of Mar & Nat)