Bartolini Bussi M. G. (2000)
Early approach to mathematical ideas related to proof making.

Contribution to: Paolo Boero, G. Harel, C. Maher, M. Miyazaki (organisers) Proof and Proving in Mathematics Education. ICME9 TSG 12. Tokyo/Makuhari, Japan.

© M.G. Bartolini Bussi

There is an increasing attention towards the importance of explanation, justification and proof in mathematics education. To introduce the discussion, I shall sum up some of the research studies carried on by my research team in the last ten years.
  In the late eighties, we have started to study the educational aspects of proof in the geometry setting, with reference to an original field of experience, i. e. the field of mathematical machines (physical instruments, designed during history to solve some geometrical problem by geometers like Descartes, Newton). Many of them are linkworks designed for either tracing algebraic curves or realising correspondence between two regions of the plane. The parents of these machines are the ruler and the compass of Euclid's Elements; the last descendant might be considered a computer with software for dynamic geometry.
  In a research study developed in the early nineties, we observed a small group of 11th graders struggling with the production of conjectures and the construction of proofs related to a particular linkwork, the pantograph of Sylvester (Bartolini Bussi 1993). What struck us was the evident presence of the traces of the conjecturing process in the proving process. The proof eventually produced by the students (a not trivial proof at all!) preserved the reference to the physical object, some of the metaphors used during the conjecturing process and the typical time inversions present in the wandering phase, when some property was guessed empirically and tentatively justified backwards by recourse to the existing knowledge. However, in spite of this heavy presence of perceptual events during the whole process, the tension of the students towards a complete justification within the system of elementary geometry was evident. In other words, the students were supposed to work as theoreticians on perceptual data. Those students, however, could not be considered novices: they had been involved for three years in a didactical project where the construction of proofs (and not only the repetition of proofs) was often preceded by the production of conjectures; besides they were already familiar with many properties of elementary geometry.
  We felt necessary to shift to the case of younger students (mainly primary school pupils), put in suitable learning environments, in order to study the early emergence of a theoretical attitude towards mathematics and of proving processes. We hoped to find, on the one hand, evidences that the theoretical aspects of mathematics are within the reach of children too and, on the other hand, models of the teaching-learning processes by means of which this approach might be realised.
  In the same years, the team directed by Paolo Boero was studying the process of production of conjectures and construction of proofs with students of the grades 6th-8th. On the base of several studies, from inside and outside geometry, Paolo Boero and Rossella Garuti formulated the theoretical construct of 'cognitive unity' as follows (Garuti, Boero & Lemut 1998). 'During the production of the conjecture, the student progressively works out his/her statement through an intensive argumentative activity functionally intermingled with the justification of the plausibility of his/her choices. During the subsequent statement-proving stage, the student links up with this process in a coherent way, organising some of the previously produced arguments according to a logical chain'. Then they transformed this descriptive instrument into an interpretative and predictive instrument, to study the students' difficulties in proving, for instance when the conjecturing phase is omitted and the students are given a ready made statement to be proved. The construct of 'cognitive unity' was like a flash of light for us and offered the right language to interpret the data from the experiment of the pantograph of Sylvester and to design further experiments.
  With primary school pupils we consider only proving tasks that pass a 'cognitive unity' test, in the sense that:

1) the pupils are requested to produce a conjecture (and not given a ready made statement);

2) the pupils are requested to argue for the conjecture on the base of what they know;

3) the gap between the arguments produced by the pupils and a 'rigorous' proof within a shared theory is expected to be small.

The last point deserves a comment: a 'rigorous' proof exists only within a reference theory, that states what is postulated within the classroom and which are the rules for reasoning (see the discussion about Theorems in Mariotti & al., 1997). However, the translation of the set of arguments into a logical chain is a matter of social construction under the teacher's cultural guide, by means of scripts of proof introduced into the classroom.
  We have studied the production of conjectures and the construction of proofs in three different fields of experience, more or less related to geometry, as from primary school:

1) the representation of visible world by means of perspective drawing (Bartolini Bussi 1996);

2) the kinematics of gears (Bartolini Bussi et al 1999);

3) the geometry of circles (Bartolini Bussi et al to appear).

Each of the experiments lasted at least a couple of years, even if the total amount of school time was not very large (about 20 hours x year). For the details we must refer to the quoted papers.
  In this intervention we quote just a small example of a critical event in the overall process from the experiement on circles. 5th graders (from a classroom with a very low sociocultural extraction) have been given the problem of constructing a circle with a 4cm radius tangent to two already given circles (with radii 2cm and 3cm), explaining well the method and justifying why it works. They know how to use the compass to draw circles. In the 3rd grade they had designed also non-standard compasses, including the 'flat' compass given by a rotating segment. They know (theory) that the condition for two circles being (externally) tangent is that the distance between the centres is equal to the sum of the radii. They have worked individually by trial and errors, verifying later on the produced drawings that the condition of the sum of radii was verified.
  Yet in the discussion that follows the individual solution, there is the shift towards the statement of the standard Euclid's method for this kind of construction problems, i. e. from a practice oriented to a theory oriented use of the compass. In the former the compass is used as a precision tool to draw objects with round shapes. In the latter, the compass is used as a geometry tool to select the points of the plane that are at a given distance from a given point. This use orients the definition of circle towards the solution of construction problems.

EXCERPT (5th grade).

The teacher (Mara Boni) introduces the theme of discussion. Each pupil has a copy of Veronica's protocol. Veronica has produced a 'right' drawing by trial and errors (as she says); she has justified the correctness of the product by referring to the known theory; she has tried to explain the process of finding the solution as follows:

[After having found the distances between the centres S and R of the given circles and the centre T of the circle to be drawn] I have given the right "inclination" to both segments, so that the radius of the circle was 4cm in every case.
Teacher : Veronica has tried to give the right inclination. Which segments is she speaking of ? Many of you open the compass 4cm. Does Veronica use the segment of 4cm ? What does she say she is using ?

Veronica's text is read again

Jessica : She uses the two segments ...

Maddalena : .. given by the sum of radii

Teacher : How did she make ?

Giuseppe : She has rotated a segment.

Veronica : Had I used one segment, I could have used the compass.

Some pupils point with thumb-index at the segments on Veronica's drawing and try to 'move' them

They pick up an ideal segment as if it were a stick and try to move it

Francesca B. : From the circle B have you thought or drawn the sum ?

Francesca is posing clearly the question about which referents Veronica has used : an ideal (thought) referent or a physical (drawn) referent.

Veronica : I have drawn it.

Giuseppe : Where ?

Veronica : I have planned to make RT perpendicular [to the base side of the sheet] and then I have moved ST and RT until they touched each other and the radius of C was 4cm.

Veronica claims to have drawn but to have allowed herself to move the static drawing.

Alessio : I had planned to take two compasses, to open them 7 and 6 and to look whether they found the centre. But I could not use two compasses.

Alessio states the link between the rotation of the segments (either thought or drawn) and the compasses that are nothing for him but materialised segments. But he had only one.

Stefania P. : Like me ; I too had two compasses in the mind.

Veronica : I remember now : I too have worked with the two segments in this way, but I could not on the sheet.

All the pupils 'pick up' the segments on Veronica's drawing with thumb-index of the two hands and start to rotate them. The shared experience is strong enough to capture all the pupils.

Elisabetta [excited] : She has taken the two segments of 6 and 7, has kept the centre still and has rotated : ah I have understood !

Stefania P. : ... to find the centre of the wheel ...

Elisabetta : ... after having found the two segments ...

Stefania P. : ... she has moved the two segments.

Elisabetta and Stefania together by words and gestures repeat the procedure

Teacher : Moved ? Is moved a right word ?

The teacher encourages the correction of an ambiguous word

Voices : Rotated .. as if she had the compass.

Alessio : Had she translated them, she had moved the centre.

Andrea : I have understood, teacher, I have understood really, look at me ...

Andrea too has understood and shows it by gesturing. The pupils continue to rotate the segments picked up with hands

Voices : Yes, the centre comes out there, it's true.

Alessio : It's true but you cannot use two compasses

Alessio has still his problem : only one physical compass whilst the two rotation are contemporaneous

Veronica : you can use first on one side and then on the other.

but Veronica breaks the time of contemporaneity using the same compass twice.

In the excerpt of the discussion we are real-time observing the emergence of the theory oriented use of the compass. The way of using the compass (i. e. the gesture of handling and of tracing) is the same for both practice and theory tool, but the senses given by the pupils to the process (gestures) and to the product (drawings) are very different. When the compass is used to produce round shape, its main goal is communication ; when the compass is used to find the points which satisfy a given relationship, it becomes an instrument of semiotic mediation (Vygotskij, 1978), that can control - from the outside - the pupil process of solution of a problem, by producing a strategy that (i) can be used in any situation, (ii) can produce and justify the conditions of possibility in the general case and (iii) can be defended by argumentations referring to the accepted theory.
  The geometric compass, embodied by the metal tool stored in every school-case, is no more a material object : it becomes a mental object, whose use may be substituted or evoked by a body gesture (rotating hands or arms). The collective construction of the 'mental' compass is very important in this approach to the theoretical dimension of geometry with young learners : even if the link with the body experience is not cut (it is rather emphasized), the loss of materiality allows to take a distance from the empirical facts, transforming the empirical evidence of the drawing that represents a solution (whichever is the early way of producing it) into the external representation of a mental process. The realisation of this learning process (guided by the teacher) is consistent with the epistemological analysis carried out by Longo (1997), on the basis of neurological findings, about the 'geometrical abstraction' : the (geometrical) circle is not a generalisation of the perception of round shapes, but the reconstruction, by memory, of a variety of acts of spatial experiences (a 'library' of trajectories and gestures).
  We can draw some conclusions from this small piece of a research study:

1) the process of building a theoretical attitude towards mathematics is quite long and can last for years;

2) the process is developed under the guide of a cultured adult (the teacher), who can on the one hand select the tasks and on the other hand orchestrate the social interaction towards this aim;

3) gaining a theoretical attitude does not mean to cut the link with concrete experience, but rather to give a new sense to 'the same' concrete experience.

Our research studies show that it is possible to design and implement suitable long term teaching experiments for young pupils with a very low sociocultural extraction with the aim of introducing them to the theoretical dimension of mathematics. This 'proof of existence' (metaphorically a 'constructive' proof, like in the Euclidean tradition) might throw a stone in the debate about the nature of school mathematics, that is often biased by ideological declarations. However to pursue this constructive aim, we must be equipped with innovative methodologies: the researcher must monitor in the same time both the long term process realised by the whole teaching experiment and the short term processes of problem solving ; both the social processes orchestrated by the teacher and the individual processes of each pupil. This complexity surely requires to find new means for scientific communication.


Bartolini Bussi M. (1993) Geometrical Proofs and Mathematical Machines: An Exploratory Study, in Proc. 17th PME, vol. 2, 97-104, Tsukuba (Japan).
Bartolini Bussi M. (1996) Mathematical Discussion and Perspective Drawing in Primary School, Educational Studies in Mathematics 31(1/2) 11-41.
Bartolini Bussi M., Boni M., Ferri F., Garuti R. (1999) Early Approach To Theoretical Thinking: Gears in Primary School. Educational Studies in Mathematics 39 (1-3), 67-87.
Bartolini Bussi M., Boni M., Ferri F. (to appear), Construction Problems in Primary School: a case from the geometry of circle.
Garuti R., Boero P., Lemut E. (1998), Cognitive Unity of Theorems and Dfficulty of Proof, Proc. 22nd PME, vol. 2, 345-352, Stellenbosch (South Africa).
Mariotti M. A., Bartolini Bussi M., Boero P., Ferri F., Garuti R. (1997) Approaching Geometry Theorems in Contexts: From History and Epistemology to Cognition, in Proc. 21st PME, vol. 1, 180-195, Lahti (Finland).